RE call center that
suits your needs.
Recall is a tech call centre, which is based on automated digital processes.
Since 2017 we take care of Munich inbound and outbound.

Digital Process

01 Step
Send Request
Please tell uns short
and simple your needs

02 Step
Talk To Expert
Our project managers will
contact you to create an
individual concept

03 Step
Receive Proposals
We show you different
options to increase your sales

04 Step
Make Right Choice
Together with you, we work out the right procedure,
for both, inbound and outbound businesses
Trusted By Industry Leaders

Service overview
As you know, there is no second chance for the first impression. Accepting an order is often the first contact the customer has with a company. Intensive, competent advice is particularly necessary for services and products that require a lot of explanation.
We take care of your incoming calls – we answer the phone on your behalf. Benefit from optimal accessibility and a friendly and competent approach to your customers. Our team is highly qualified and experienced in the right customer dialogue.
Inbound services
- Accepting orders
- Helpdesk
- Tech-Hotline
- Up- & Cross-Selling
- Emergency calls
- Customer service
Outbound services
- Scheduling
- Adress check up
- Customer survey
- Mystery Calls
- Outbound Telesales
- Fundraising via phone

Inbound Sales
With address qualification by Recall, you are guaranteed to always have the current, target group-relevant addresses on the table

After Sales Service
Extra sales by contacting and activating old and existing customers

Optimize the work of your sales team through effectively targeted telephone marketing

Generating leads
We promise: We make customers out of your prospects

Our detailed analysis at the end will show, how successful telesales are for outbound
BDSG conform
In Germany, telemarketing is regulated by the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Unfair Competition Act (UWG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). Incoming calls in the inbound are legally unproblematic because the customer reports on his own initiative. When making outbound calls, a distinction must be made between private individuals and companies. Commercial calls to private individuals are generally prohibited without consent, as there is no consent or a contractual relationship. Active communication is already possible when dealing with companies if there is “presumed consent” in accordance with Section 7 (2) No. 2 UWG, i.e. if the called company can be assumed to have a material interest.
The industry association „Call Center Verband Deutschland e. V.“ has strengthened voluntary self-control in the fight against untrustworthy business practices with a code of honor and a seal of quality.

Meet the Re Call
Maxico GmbH has been focusing under the Recall brand in the call center segment.
Years of experience, complementary competencies and extensive know-how make Recall the ‘service architect’ for tailor-made interaction solutions.
Recall sees itself as a strategic partner in the end-to-end support of the interaction along the customer journey – customer value instead of transaction value.
By simplifying processes (operational transformation) and using trend-setting technology (digital transformation), Recall services increase scalability and add value.
Hybrid service architecture combined with years of experience guarantees growth capacity, structural flexibility and highly efficient control of BPO units.
As a result, the Recall approach delivers a significant increase in interaction quality at lower overall costs and thus ensures high-quality customer relationships.
Contact Us
We Love to hear from you! Fill out the fields bellow to get in touch.

Head Office
re crew - we work in Berlin Kurfürstendamm 11 (4th floor) 10719 Berlin

Email Address